About Winpoint

About Winpoint

EICC (Electronic Industry Code of Conduct) 電子行業行為準則

Electronic Industry Code of Conduct

" Electronic Industry Code of Conduct, EICC " is aimed to ensure a safe working environment in the electronics industry supply chain, labor treated with respect and dignity, as well as business operators to be responsible for the environment.
《電子行業行為準則》(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct, EICC) 的目的是為了以確保電子行業供應鏈的工作環境安全,勞工受到尊重並富有尊嚴,以及企業運營者對環境有所負責。

Suppliers should publicly declare support EICC Code of Conduct, and the EICC Code of Conduct initiative proposed management system consistent. Suppliers must also take the initiative to approach applies to the entire supply chain. At least, it should require its next tier suppliers to acknowledge and apply the EICC Code of Conduct.
供應商應公開對支援EICC行為準則的聲明, 並主動與EICC行為準則提出的管理體系保持一致。供應商也必須主動將其做法應用於整個供應鏈。至少,應要求其下一級的供應商認同並應用EICC行為準則。

EICC Code of Conduct includes the labor, health and safety, and environmental standards, as well as factors related to business ethics standards required for appropriate management system. We encourage all active suppliers must comply with its operating country / regional laws and regulations. In addition to suppliers comply with the law should be a positive move towards internationally accepted standards, in order to take on more social and environmental responsibility.

From system & executive side, we work with suppliers to follow the EICC Code of Conduct in order to achieve a humane, safe, green work environment. We added EICC audit checklist into supplier quality audit system, to ensure that Winpoint supply chain can achieve the goal of sustainable development. For more information, please refer to the official website EICC. http://www.eiccoalition.org/
我們將從系統面和執行面與供應商一起努力來遵循EICC行為準則,以達到提供一個人性化, 安全,綠色的工作環境。我們在供應商品質系統稽核的查檢表中加入了EICC的稽核項目,以確保威納供應商與供應鏈可以達到永續經營的目標。詳細資訊請參考EICC官網。http://www.eiccoalition.org/